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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Serger Gift Bags: Adding Handles

   Several times I've made gift bags with my serger.  The process is a bit quicker.  I made a few bags with the serger last Christmas.  
    The entire bag can be made with the serger.  Most of the time handles are stitched with a sewing machine, but here is how I used the serger to add the handles.

Tuesday Tutorial Teaser

Handles can be made by stitching up one side.

Then pressed with the serged side in the middle.

Or serge down each side.
Cut desired length.
 These bags were made to be folded in half on the side.
Clip or pin where you'd like handles to be.

 Remember use pins parallel to stitching line when using a serger
to make sure you avoid running pins across the cutting blade.
Serge across the top being sure to catch the ends of the handles
in the serger stitch.

Fold in half and stitch down both sides and bottom.

 Other times they fold in half as in the one above,
with the fold at the bottom.
 That's the great thing about making your own gift bags.
You can make them any size and shape you need.

Thanks to the FREE program

 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo & other alterations to pictur


  1. I visited your blog for the first time and just been your fan. Quite informative post. I Will be back often to check up on new stuff you post!
    Santa's Magic Bags


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