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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Thoughtful Thinking Thursday #74 ~ Scissors Seriously

 @ Cocoa Beach, FL, USA

Of all things for a Seamstress/Quilter to find washed up on the beach.
My thought? Where did they originate?  Did they travel down a river to the ocean?  From the US or another country?  Were they dumped with garbage, or was it part of a hurricane disaster?
Think about it?

Update: You MUST read the creative story suggestion by Lea Anne from Podunk Pretties in the comments below.  Hilarious!


  1. In my minds eye I saw a frustrated woman. Those darn scissors won't cut anything now that everyone in the house has been using them to cut god knows what. After confronting her family with her complaints there's an uproar of finger pointing and the classic "It wasn't me" syndrome. Her husband became sick of hearing the family babble while trying to watch his football game(his team LOSING). He grabs the scissors from her hands, breaks them and exclaims as he walks out onto the ocean front balcony "Just go buy another stupid pair of scissors!" and tosses them like a NFL quarterback into the ocean. Grabbing her coat and purse she replies "Maybe your quarterback need a wife with dull scissors!"

  2. I always wonder about those things too, Joy. The story of things found are such a secret, but the imagination can build a wonderful story!


Have a JOYful day!
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