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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Scheduling Your Blog Post

 I have found a step that saves multiple steps for later and helps to make sure I'm on schedule.  Many bloggers already know this tip. I had checked out and tried these tools on the right side of the blogger post pages, but never quiet figured them out.  I even had checked out how-to pages.  When I tried to schedule pages, they never were posted by scheduled date and time.  I finally found out the last step was my mistake.  
     Now I don't have to get on my computer or phone each day, pull up the blogger post page and open the post and hit publish.  Instead, I do 4 quick clicks before I hit the correct button.

*A Tutorial Tuesday*

Directions start at the top with "Click to drop down" [scheduling].
The last step I was doing wrong?
I was hitting "Save" as I usually do when I write a post.
However, when scheduling,
you hit "PUBLISH" to exit the post page. 
Your post page should be marked with "Scheduled" if you did it correctly. 
I love this feature, especially when I'm traveling.

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post

 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating the icon used on this page


  1. I'd be lost without this feature, Joy. Great explanation!

  2. Awesome! I have tried (and failed) a few times to schedule my posts on blogger; would never have thought to hit publish! Pinned!

  3. I'm with WP and yes, it's the same, so awesome and I schedule everything from there basically! I couldn't do it without! Thank you for sharing this with us at Sweet Inspiration this weekend!


Have a JOYful day!
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