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Friday, September 16, 2016

Bucket List Trip 2016~Day 11~ Glendive, MT to Billings, MT

 Got a good night's sleep in this little place thanks to my little fan we carry along.
Some places don't have an AC/Heater that offer a continous running fan for quiet noise to 
block out things like people talking, the train going by & the fridge kicking on and off.
Oh, and doesn't that sky look awesome?
No breakfast to be had in this little town so we headed on down the road.

 Today's interstate 94 drive turned out to be one of the most beautiful interstate drives we've ever taken.
There were breathtaking views on my side of the car.
Then I kid you not, below is a picture of what it typically looked like on Mr. G's side.
Had we been going east I would not have been able to get today's awesome river valley pictures.

 Using GPS to find a place to eat, we found Dizzy Diner & thought we'd check it out.

 Very clean. Food was great.
Largest, longest, widest, thickest bacon I've ever had!
And there were 4 pieces!


 Pulled off at Forsyth to check out this little town.
Seeing the courthouse from the interstate peaked our interest.

 Usually its Mr. G that wants to turn around and check out something a bit closer
and get a shot.
This time it was me to take a second look at this train car.

Back on the interstate
 Mr. G's side of the road. (above shot)
 Got off I94 to check out Hysham.

 Have we been on the road so long that we think someone is watching us?

We always started looking for gas when our tank hit the quarter mark cause stations can be 50 miles apart.
We stopped in Junction City.
There is a casino EVERYWHERE!

 View of Pompeys Pillar National Monument from the Interstate.

After our detours and stops,
we arrived in Billings in about 4 hours.
Our room wasn't ready so we had a light lunch
and checked out the town.

 Look closely at the high ridge in the background.
I first saw the building up on the left.
Then after a closer look I could see cars.
 So we drove on and ended up on that road.
It's called Rim Ridge Road.
 Told Mr. G I wouldn't doubt you could see a part of Yellowstone from here.
When we got up on the ridge, we found an airport! 
We drove east and the landing was on the left.

 Off to the right was a fabulous view of the city.

 Looking ahead in the distance.
This would not be a good place for a plane to land.

 Yes, in town.

 We took a trip to the store to get our rations for our "lock in."
I thought KY was bad about their biscuit and gravy,
but so far we have seen it on every breakfast menu as an automatic side.
When I saw Biscuit and Gravy chips, I had to take a picture.

We are taking a vacation from our vacation.
Staying 2 nights here so Mr. G can watch his football games tomorrow
and a time to rest for both of us.
The room is very nice, but the verdict is out.
They say they didn't receive my request for a quiet room on the top floor.
So even though we got here at 4, we have been given the room
 next to the elevator and across the hall from the ice machine.
AND a volley ball team on the floor above us.
We'll see how solid these walls are, I guess.
I'm not in hotel management, but why do you give the early arrivers
 the room in the middle of all the traffic that everyone has to travel around the rest of the night?
Update: I got so tired of entering my route only to have mapquest or google maps to change the route to a route we did not take.
So I've chosen to just add markers to a google map and it even allows me to add notes.
I wish there was a way to save my phones gps that we used.

Follow along on our trip as I will try to post daily.
Just use the "Newer" button below to find out what happened on Day 3.

Thanks to the FREE program

Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo & other alterations to pictures


  1. What a marvelous trip! Great photos, Joy. Thanks for sharing your shots at

  2. I have been enjoying following your trip. Guess this is kind of my vacation that I never took. Love the looks of the Dizzy Diner. It's very cute. Hope there was some character-type staff working there to complete the image. Boulders watching the travelers are a sign for a rest stop.....very clever. I don't know what to say about the Biscuit and Gravy flavored potato chips. I just don't know what to say.


Have a JOYful day!
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