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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Wordless Wednesday #183 ~ A Tomato Close-up

          This is 1 of only 2 tomatoes that my 6 tomato plants produced!  When I went to the Toyota Recycling event this past spring, someone GAVE me 6 tomato plants.  I brought them home and stuck them in large pots on my deck and watered them often.  Only one plant took off growing and produced blooms.  Only 2 of those blooms made a tomato while the rest of the blooms dried up.  I'm guessing they didn't get pollinated?  One of the tomatoes started ripening last week.  I brought it in before the insects and birds beat me to lunch.  It sat a couple of days in the kitchen until I noticed a spot on the bottom.  I decided this was a pink tomato and it was time to enjoy it's wonderful garden raised flavor.

It was delicious!
Pictures shot with Galaxy 4 phone


  1. Joy you could have told me before taking a photo of my lips I regret having the fillers done :-)

    Have a tomatotastic day :-)

  2. Great shots! Your tomato doesn't look very ripe, though. I prefer to leave mine on the vine to ripen longer. Thanks for linking up for Wordless Wednesday!

  3. I love tomatoes during the summer… :)

  4. Nothing better than summer tomatoes & corn on the cob.

  5. That tomato looks like a heirloom variety, I bet the flavor was wonderful. If you get more blossoms you can take a Qtip and touch each of the flowers back and forth to pollinate. In other words, mix up the pollen. Maybe you would get a few more tomatoes.

    1. Yes Karren that's what I'll need to do next year and not depend on butterflies and bees like I always have. I think this is a sign of what will happen when all our little bees are killed off. Too late for this year as the vines are beginning to die off already.


Have a JOYful day!
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