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Monday, July 4, 2016

Memory Monday 15 ~ Route 66 Trip Souvenir- The Angler

I try my best not to buy sewing tools throughout the year when I'm at home.
Instead, I buy things on my Wish List when I'm on a trip
as a souvenir for my trip.
This one helps me remember our return trip from
from Georgetown, Colorado to home.
I pull out The Angler when I'm sewing bias seams.
That's why this ruler was on the "Wish List."
However, the various lines on this ruler come in handy some times.
 I kept the receipt which is fading.....
so the reason I write a memory note on the directions.
So when I put binding for my quilts together,
I revisit the memory of our Route 66 trip.
The Angler stays in the drawer with other ruler souvenirs from other trips.

Thanks to the FREE program

 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo & other alterations to pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I am officially jealous of your storage drawers! And your trip on route 66. It goes through Flagstaff, Arizona, and I could bop down to the desert in less than two hours from there. =) I think about getting this one, but I never have given in.


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