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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Quilt Shot Block #46 ~ Square in a Square for Midnight Mystery Quilt

Midnight Mystery Quilt 

I don't like sewing on the bias, because the stretch can be tricky.
I used the walking foot.
Used blue tape to make markers to help me find the center of the square edges.

I have difficulty judging the center of an edge on a triangle.
After folding several triangles to find the center,
and marking with a pin each and every triangle,
I found using a template made from folding a triangle,
I could layer about 8 triangles and snip about 1/8 inch to mark the center.
Made for faster assembly.
 34 Square in a Square Units completed.

Wondering how they are going to be used with 

Meadow Mist Designs Mystery Quilt
Still have this much of the shirts left over. 
Most of the front.
back and most of front.
same for light blue shirt as well.

You MUST check them out for great ideas!
  PhotoScape used to resize & watermark shots
I've been using this software in place of Photoshop for several years.


  1. I find the use of the stripe fabric so interesting. I look forward to seeing your quilt come together. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  2. I can't wait to see how they are used with your flying geese either! I'll be staying tuned to watch for updates!!!!

  3. I'm really wondering what are you going to use these for! Thanks for sharing with us at #OMHGWW


  4. Now that's smart thinking using a template for finding the centre of your triangle. Triangles are hard work.

  5. Looking good! I look forward to seeing the finished quilt! Thanks for sharing at Submarine Sunday!!


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