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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #125- White Treadle Sewing Machine

My oldest daughter surprised me with this gift for Mother's Day!
Back view
 She was attracted by the lively painted designs.
That was the first thing that caught my eye.
Then there were some more interesting features.

 Foot Lift
 As always I noticed how it was made entirely of steel.
Things were made to last back then.
They didn't need landfills.
  PhotoScape used to resize & watermark shots
I've been using this software in place of Photoshop for several years.

Please see my "Linky Parties" link above for some
hard working hosts and more fabulous WW shots.


  1. So true about things lasting then. My grandmothers sewing machine is still working in her house. Unlike the products today which are disposable =(

  2. Reminds me of my grandmother's sewing machine. Love it.

  3. I hope you are able to get it working. Those vintage and antique machines continue to amaze me with how well they work!

  4. Gorgeous old machine. Would love to have one. Your daughter did well!

  5. Wow What an awesome gift. I would love to receive such as this

  6. What a grand old machine. They had so much more character than today's do.
    Thanks for sharing at


Have a JOYful day!
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