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Monday, May 18, 2015

2 Ingredient Cookies: Banana + Oatmeal

         I have become very hesitant to try things I find on Pinterest and the Internet in general.  Some writers/photographers can do a fantastic job selling their ideas or recipes to me upon which turn out terrible when I try them.
         This is one recipe I had to test since it wasn't going to take a ton of ingredients and therefore cost a ton of money to prepare.  Matter of fact, the bananas were dying and headed shortly to the trash can, and I could spare the oatmeal.  Also, had about 2 dozen chocolate chips (yes that many), and some walnuts that needed to be used up before expiration.
          I was surprised they turned out like I expected. This cookie is not sweet but will be just fine with coffee in the morning in place of a bowl of oatmeal. 
          Can't get much healthier than this, and these cookies will fit into SO many types of diets including my whole grain, no sugar diet.
            Being just me most of the time, I really appreciate the small batch it makes. I enJOY moist, chewy cookies. Most of all, its going to be fun to be creative and add that 3rd, 4th, 5th.......ingredient. 
        I used 2 bananas, 2 cups oatmeal.  I don't think the ratio of banana to oatmeal really matters, just as long as you can get a moist dough.
          If you want to try this recipe, here are the two sites that gave me the courage to give it a try. One recipe is found at Burlap Bag and the other at Ambitious Kitchen.


  1. Thanks Joy, I'll give this one a try! ~Diane

  2. Sounds simple enough, and yummy. Thanks for stopping by and sharing on Throwback Thursday Blog-Style. Your post is this week's featured post! I hope you will be able to join in again.


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