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Monday, August 18, 2014

What Only 6 Inches Can do in a Sewing Room

From this
 Thank-you Mr. G for moving the 2 heavy cabinets and shelves over 6 inches, and putting together 2 IKEA storage units and table.
What a difference in work space it created!
The shelve with fabric and books were moved to the foyer where I could more easily reach and search. 
Moved the white shelve that originally was behind my machine.

Notice there is no table leg in the corner, so I can swivel in my chair right or left.
  I can easily set up my serger, or when the big machine is doing an embroidery job, I can move it to the right and set up the little sewing machine.
Because the white table was about 9 inches deeper, I had to move the oak top to the right.
Guess how much space I had?
Thought it was going to be exactly enough space, but Mr. G had to cut off a measly 1/4 inch!
But now it's all level surface and more space for computer.
I did regret losing my little person tutor space.
A little person could sit in this space, but the table went up about 3 inches which does make a difference.  An adult might be able to set up a machine here.
Wish I could get rid of cords, but distance of sockets won't allow.
Yes, just a few inches can change everything.
This isn't all the 6 inches changed.
See more later.
Meanwhile find former posts of sewing room here.
And oh my how things change in 4 years here.
Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. six inches made quite a difference there. It's always great to have your creative space revamped.

  2. Wow you need to have a factory. Wow you have sure allot. All that material. Where do you cut things out? I see you sew it but to have pattern
    space. Yikes..

    I guess you have learned only limited space. It looks neat now. He did a nice job.

  3. What a big difference! I have the urge to wander over and pillage around in your supplies lol

  4. It's really a nice, cozy sewing room you have created. And it looks so bright and cheerful with the light coming in through the window. I'm sure you will enjoy many hours of sewing in your new space.

  5. It looks fabulous, its really hard to make use of every inch of space but its amazing what you've managed.

  6. Looks cozy and inviting! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog hop!

  7. What a nice difference it made. You sure do have the fabric, but then again I sure have the paper, lol. I know, we will uses it eventually won't we. ~Diane

  8. every little bit of space counts my friend. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. watch for your feature on Monday.Hugs!

  9. Oh my goodness you have so much material - I'm envious. Its amazing what a little rearrange can do, well done.

  10. Looks much better. It is amazing how much just 6 inches makes and adding in a new cabinet. I like my sewing area but need to redo my desk space - after seeing this I might need to make a trip to Ikea.

  11. Those 6 inches made a lot of difference. It looks so much more spacious.

  12. What a great workroom. I can't help looking a bit enviously at your lovely coloured threads, and huge fabric store.

  13. Wow, you are obviously a serious sewer ... I thought I had a lot of stuff! Lol. Your new work space looks fab, I've got the same desk and I actually cleared a space on mine this weekend too! xx

  14. Wow, what an amazing sewing room! So many yummy supplies! and yes 6" makes a big difference!!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  15. Great way to organize the sewing room space. I always need tips there. Thanks for sharing at KIMIF linky party at FYI I'm going to change that linky to bi-weekly as I wasn't getting enough participation. :)--Shannon

  16. You have given me lots of ideas. I wish I had made pictures of all my various changes to where it is now. You are terrific. I like the idea of IKEA tables. Would have to part with my over 40 year conference table (sob, sob) but could get much more room and can reorganize some of the other smaller furniture items I have. Thanks. I will probably post one day. Emma Carpenter


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