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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"Drive Bye Shootings" Ft. Myers to Anna Maria Island, FL

Before we took off for some "Drive Bye Shootings,"
Mr. G went for an early morning walk with his little Canon camera on Ft. Myers Beach.
I think the shots he took are just breath taking and thought provoking.
The light was just right.
How about the blue/orange complimentary colors going on in the picture of the pier.
All of Mr. G's pictures are untouched except for the cropping of 1 shot.

A shot of the top floor restaurant where we had our wonderful Italian dinner at sunset last night.
After a quick breakfast at the hotel, we started out taking more shots.
We traveled as many of the Keys & Islands along FL west coast as possible.
Sorry, Sanibel Island would have been 12$ in tolls, so we didn't go there.
Lemon Bay
Canopy Drive
Casey Key Road between Venice & Sarasota, FL
Downtown Sarasota, FL
Our home for the night is on the north end of Anna Maria Island which is west of Bradenton, FL
In the middle of a neighborhood of houses we found 3 very small Motels.
We chose Sea Isle. Our kind of place.
Very small & quaint.
We arrived around 3 pm and took this room in the corner.  I think there was only 1 other couple in the whole 8 unit place.  So it was a very quiet stay with a VERY comfy bed. The perks of taking a trip in May?
After an hour of rest and letting the temp cool down from 90, we walked over a block to view the beach. You could stand on the beach and the water was very clear.  It must be a major drop off to not allow swimming.  Rocks were placed along the beach to stop erosion, therefore we couldn't start walking the beach here.
However, a few more blocks down the street, we were able to start walking the beach.  I've never been to a beach where trees grew so close to the ocean. Makes for a nice place to sit and watch the sunset.
This beach backed up to some lucky homeowner's place.
The north end of the island turned into a vast area of white sand.

After the long walk, an hour swim in bath water is just what my muscles needed.
We opted not to go out for dinner tonight and just hang here and relax.
Well Mr. G actually fell asleep on the couch watching TV.  Not sure he'll make it to his bed.
After all, according to the sign at our motel tonight, he has driven 460 miles since Monday afternoon!
It's been recommended we try the Rod and Reel Pier for breakfast.
They were busy at dinner tonight when we walked by.

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. Looks like you hare having a wonderful time! Love the beach shots!

  2. Great photos, hope you are having fun! ~Diane

  3. The first photo is gorgeous! Great shots of the shorebirds!

  4. Hi I loved looking at this post with great beach shots.

  5. I especially enjoyed the intro photograph and the other shorebirds

  6. Beautiful photos, looks like a fun and relaxing time!

  7. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. Lots of great shots.

  8. Nice collection of photos.


Have a JOYful day!
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