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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Thoughtful Thinking Thursday ~5 Taxes!

Why can't something so complicated, just be simplified?
Just think about it..........
Might share at some Linky Parties.
Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. The whole system makes no sense to me whatsoever. How anyone can pay in a hundred dollars and get back 4 thousand (yes I know people who fit this category) is beyond my comprehension. In my opinion you should never get back anything more than what you paid in and if they followed that they could eliminate a whole lot of the governments debt.

  2. How true! Ours are almost done, will finish this weekend! ~Diane


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