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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Quilt Shot Block #20~ 64 Patch

 12 inch square
Started out trying to do a bargello pattern and messed up with the order of strips and didn't want to tear them out. These are 2 inch wide strips.
Then I got in a big hurry and cut the 2 inch strips across.  I should have sewn a tube by stitching the outer edges.
 Turns out this way was just as fast and easy, if not faster.

 Lot's of practice matching seams.  Trick is to iron seams in opposite directions so they will interlock. Also, accurate cutting.  Thank goodness for mats, rulers & rotary cutters.  Of course a lot of experience involving trial and error.  Folks tell me they've tried it and couldn't do it.  Like anything else you become handy at...PRACTICE! Do it a LOT!
   I didn't know if there was such a thing as a block called "64 Patch."  After searching the internet, I found Krista Stitched made one.  She also has a tutorial.
    The old timers would use this block to use up scraps and scissor-cut each and every square! I don't think I could manage a whole quilt with the tools I have today much less cut the squares by hand.  Could you?

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. Wow, what stunning patterns mixed together! Looks gorgeous Joy! ~Diane

  2. Lovely quilt. I just recently saw the strips into tubes way of sewing a quick quilt. I don't quilt but this looks like I might try. Creative Bliss...

  3. Thanks for the shoutout! Your block looks fab, and no, cutting little squares with scissors sounds like way too much work to me! Although I have a big bag of antique scraps that maybe one day I muster up the nerve to do it with.

  4. Nice birds and top! I don't think I'd be quilting if I had to do it the 'old fashioned' way! Love my tools and gadgets!

  5. What a great way to use that bird print! I started quilting in the scissors and template days. I could do it, but I make a lot more quilts now.

  6. What a VERY cool way to use smaller images from a busy print! I will keep this in mind! Found you on the I Quilt THursday LInky Party!

  7. really love the 64 patch! this seems pretty quick!

    Thanks so much for sharing at Needle and Thread Thursday!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation


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