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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #85~ Journey Through California Drought 2014

     As I have spent the last couple of months in more snow than I care to remember in my lifetime, I've been reminded that as we get the precipitation, California is in a 10 year drought -------that's TEN years!  We panic when we have a summer of drought!
      This past fall, we took a Route 66 trip across our great nation.  When we got to California, we kept going west to the coast to visit some of Mr. G's family in San Luis Obispo.  I wanted to go across some agriculture land of CA after seeing their wonderful commercials of "Happy Dairy Cattle" in the middle of green fields. We took highway 58.  I have some haunting imagines that burned into my head that were of land I did not expect to see.  They come to mind every time I hear about the Great California Drought.  In some cases, I think it's suppose to be a dry land, but when I see there was grass, then I tend to think different.  When I use google map to go down on the highway, I do see it's a bit greener and remind myself, even though google took those pictures maybe a couple of years ago, that means this area had been in a drought for about 8 years.
      I'll now let these Wordless Wednesday shots speak for themselves as they take you on a Journey Through the ongoing California Drought.  

 Closer to the coast, about 50 miles before San Luis Obispo.

God bless these farmers and the residents of California.
 Attending these Linky Parties:
 Better in Bulk studio waterstone Wordless Wednesday on Tuesday
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  1. wow. Such desolate looking land. Hopefully they will be blessed with some rain soon.

  2. What awesome photos and here in Iowa with all of our snow and the possibility of flooding this is hard to remember the drought in California!

  3. Thanks for the reminder, we do need to keep them in our prayers! Beautiful photos too. ~Diane

  4. Wow, those are awesome shots. I can't imagine how difficult that must be for farming industry.

  5. Great photos but sad ~ I would love to ship all the snow out there ~ thanks, carol, xxx

  6. That is barren! It is so easy to get caught up in your own surroundings and forget that it is not the same for everyone.

  7. What beautiful country! Wide open and hilly at the same time.

  8. I have seen so many photos of drought-stricken California on the newshour. It is tragic. And it will for sure affect prices of produce and milk in other areas of the country. We better be ready. It is so sad, a place that was once lush and green. Let me know when Carol gets her snow ready to ship. I'll gladly send our 2' along with it.

  9. Wow, I really haven't seen any pictures of California and the drought. Very powerful images. We live on a farm in Illinois and it's definitely not dry, we are expecting a dry summer but not yet. Just one year is a killer for us here, I don't want to imagine 10 years!

  10. It does look a bit parched....

  11. I live in California and I know there's a drought, but seeing those photos really drove it home. People care a lot about their lawns, but the sight of those dry fields makes me really want to plant California native plants even more...

  12. What great photos. You've captured the land perfectly. This drought is so serious and it's implications are HUGE. Praying for rain...


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