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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wordless Wednesday #81~ Cardinal: KY State Bird

              I'm so lucky to have a large family of Cardinals visit my bird feeder every day.  The adult birds can't manage to eat from the feeder.  They expect their young to drop some of the seed on the ground.  Lately, I just take hand fulls of sunflower seed and throw them on the deck floor so they and the squirrels can give me a show. 

              When I was in high school, my Momma shared a rhyme which I'll never forget.

Red Bird, Red Bird
Fly to my right
Hope to see my fellow man
Before Saturday night

               Then you watch to see if the Red bird flies to your right.  It used to be rare to see a red bird.  Now, I have so many to watch, that I have a very good chance to see Mr. G before Saturday night.

Sharing at several Linky Parties.
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  1. Lovely cardinal shots. The adults seem to prefer platform feeders.

  2. Beautiful shots! We have lots of them at the feeders this winter.

  3. It would be hard to find a more beautiful bird than a Cardinal! I love the spring when our resident couple visits the yard. The male places a sunflower seed in his mate's beak and in a couple of months we have young Cardinals in the yard. Who knew the process was so simple?

    Great post!

  4. So pretty - love the one of the cardinal eating. So fun and interesting having a bird feeder!

  5. Beautiful picture of the beautiful cardinal, I love watching them here too. ~Diane

  6. Love the cardinal. They seem more red in the winter months. Visiting from Wild Bird Wednesday. :)

  7. Blimey that last image looks like he's nearly sat on your lens..... what a great species to have around.

  8. Oh - my favorite bird! Unfortunately they don't live where I live but I have seen them other places. Thanks for sharing.

  9. wonderful photos..i didn't know that about the adults! and i enjoyed your poem :)

  10. WOW! Beautiful creature!


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