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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sewing Room Jot ~ Thread Catcher Cap

Featured on Creating My Way to Success
There was a time in my life when I lived on a farm, and lots of caps were worn, and eventually HAD to be washed.  For some reason, caps weren't usually worn after a washing.

One day about 20 years ago, I bought a new serger.  While in search of something to catch the droppings the serger made, I grabbed one of those clean hats, sewed up the back, and stuck the bill of the cap under the serger.

Today that serger AND that cap are still with me and working great!  (Now, I shall go knock on some wood.)

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo



  1. That is such a nifty idea!
    Thanks for linking on Tutorial Thursdays Linky Party :)
    Marigolds' Loft

  2. Great idea, Joy! I always have a pile of little threads, like tumbleweed, on my kitchen floor! Your idea looks better! ;)

  3. Hahaha, good idea. That's got me thinking that I should at least make a bag with flap so I can put it under the sewing machine like that to stay put. I always just throw my sting I cut off on the counter, and then I've gotta gather it all up at the end of my projcet, or later, several projects later.

  4. I used to have one of those scissor thingy, I see in your photo. I loved it, where can I get one of those?

    1. Pedtastic- I've had my "scissor thingy" for a long time. I'm guessing I got it at Hancock's or Joann's back when they used to sell baskets of stuff for cheap. No one does that anymore that I know. I do have a pair of fiskars, larger than those that have the spring action. Easy to grab and easy for arthritis.

  5. Great idea to use the hat to catch threads. My sewing area would stay a lot cleaner.

  6. Genius Joy!! What a great use for an old cap!!
    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. This is fantastic! I always have such a problem with my fabric shavings :)


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