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Monday, August 12, 2013

BS (Bought Stuff) on the 2013 HWY 127 Yd Sale

Finally, what in the world did I get after 4 days on the HWY 127 Yard Sale?
 All zippers except white, and the Amish Kid Lid along with a large print crossword puzzle book I've already given Mother, where bought the weekend before driving south of Danville, KY the weekend before the event started.

Bags of scrap fabric.  I have sorted and folded them and found 3 pieces that were a yard or more.
How much does one pay for a precut stack of squares?
I have multiple uses in mind. I just have to decide.
I'm always grabbing black, especially when it's free.
All except 2 things in bottom of picture were bought in the big MI 25¢ sale!
I've been looking for Christmas Vacation for about a year.  Almost the second I mention to Mr. G I've been looking for it, there it is!  I've got the equipment to put these on DVDs.  I'd better hurry up before DVDs go by the wayside.
 We didn't find as much free stuff on this HWY as we did HWY 68 in June.  However, on Sunday finally some free boxes showed up either in sales or people left in boxes by the road marked free.  Almost as good as free is the 25¢ stuff.
The colorful zippers (bought weekend before in Liberty, KY) I though were 10¢.  When I got to check-out, I found out they were half price!  I went back and got more, of course.
I've been collecting fake fruit for nickels and dimes.  
Funny to fake out Mr. G when he goes to grab a piece of fruit and has to figure out which is real.
Hey, they don't draw flies this time of the year!
I've been waiting for someone to get rid of one of these stars because it's rusted.
Paint works wonders!
Well of course we didn't get a medal for completing the whole 690 Mile Yard sale in 3 years, or even a piece of paper, so I got a T-shirt!
Not sure we'll do this again next year.  I think we both agree, it's a greater adventure if we haven't traveled the Yard Sale Road before.  Have you got a suggestion for a new one?
Find our travels on the HWY 127 Four Day Yard Sale Trip
Day 2 post
Day 3 post 
Day 4 Post

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. I've always wondered whether this was worth the effort. I love thrifting and estate sales, but I've heard that you really need to know which stretches to shop. It looks like you got some great stuff though! BTW, I'm stopping over from the VMG206 link party! ~ Ali from Pies & Puggles

    1. Good luck Alison. Yes, go for the Yard Sales at homes and not the big lot of spaces rented to vendors which you normally see at flea markets these days.

  2. Wow, what a haul! I love all the wonderful and interesting items you got! I have a tip for you, I buy that nice vinyl wallpaper at salvation army stores and use it for shelf paper and drawer liners, so much cheaper that the real stuff and I have come to actually like it better, ha ha! ~Diane

    1. Good tip Diane. I haven't found any vinyl wallpaper. Does sound like it would work better. I buy wallpaper at this price for wrapping paper. I like the paper that has that browned, country look. If it's sprinkle with yellows, greens, blues, and such, I use it for birthdays and other annual occasions. If it doesn't have added color or greens & reds, then it's a candidate for Christmas wrapping.

  3. I think I would enjoy that type of yard sale ...

    Popped by from WIW Hello Dolly.

  4. So jealous!!! I love fabric scraps, and only 25cents a bag, holy guacamole!Love your blog!New follower, hoping you'll follow back :)

  5. Haha, cute title. Sure grabbed my attention. :D I am trying to purge this week so it was hard for me to embrace your new finds but I know you will do something amazing with them all and I will be soooooo jealous. :D Thanks for sharing on BeColorful.


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