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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Best ~ Rain Walk

It started raining the morning of the 4th of July. It's rained a gentle rain here almost non-stop.  Others have had very hard rains and even storms.  Now 3 days later, it's still threatening rain today.  The warm rains are of tropical sorts being fed from the gulf.  In all my life, I don't remember such a soggy 4th of July, and never do I remember the highs in the 70s for this time of the year.  Very humid though.
      So, what do you do when it won't stop raining?  You take a walk in the rain!  The warm, soft rain gave the walk a calming effect, yet when I got back to the house, I was invigorated.  I walked for half hour and would you believe, I wasn't drenched!
 No telling how long this 7 inch bucket has been overflowing.
I'm not even in the 200 year flood zone.  There are acres of farmland to flood before it's able to rise high here.
The year I bought the house, we saw the water get up to the edge of this first bank.  It still likes about 3 feet doing that this time.

 On the trail in the neighborhood park.
Down at the park, even the geese knew not to get in the swift waters which were cresting at the bank.

Continuing my walk......
 What's ahead?
Water!  It's not really from the creek, but just a low place.
I would loved to have waded the water, but I detoured and headed back to the house.
Roamer spent all day napping around my house, until the rained paused around 7 and he left.
Even the neighbor's dog look bored of it all.
Expected more rain on this Sunday, but it actually looks like it's going away.
Hope we don't have a drought now.
Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post

GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. We've been getting the same rain, at least until today. I was in a parade on the fourth and it was raining sideways. Your photos show just how much rain we've had lately.

  2. Sounds like a nice walk. Send some of the rain this way. We could use some again.

  3. What a beautiful outlook from your verandah, Joy!!!

  4. Great photos, beautiful scenery even if it was wet, lol. ~Diane

  5. What a lovely pictorial of your walk. Thse pictures came out great! Thanks for sharing them with us @ My Favorite Posts SHOW OFF Weekend Blog Party :)

    The Wondering Brain


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