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Monday, February 25, 2013

Titusville Quilt Show- My First to See

Mr. G and I had a great time on our Winter Trip to Florida.  Again, we just ran about with no purpose and enjoyed whatever came into our path.

As we drove through Titusville, a sign had been posted across Highway 1 going through Titiusville that told us a quilt show was happening as we were passing through.  After inquiring, we found it at Brevard Community College.

So we stopped and enjoyed what is really my very first quilt show to ever attend.

I could have spent hours but instead took a picture of every single quilt I came across so I could look at them again and again later.  

Sharing just few in this post.

The reason I'm so attracted by pieced quilts with no sashing is the longer you look the more patterns pop out.  It's also a challenge to figure out how they are put together.

The quilt above was entitled, "Log Cabin in a Storm."  
This was the quilt that made me realize I took for granted that Mr. G knew quilt block patterns had names.  He could not understand where the name came from for this quilt until I told him the main pattern was the "Log Cabin."

While Mr. G would have been happier in some sports museum, he did walk around and take notice of the quilts.  He also took our tickets to the door prize board and found that one of them had won a packet of fabric!  Something I can use to create a memory of my first attendance of a quilt show.

Just loved the contrast in this quilt. 
Will post more quilts later.
Hope Mr. G is ready to travel around to some more quilt shows.  I'm hooked.
And yes, I'll keep looking for sports arenas in return.

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page


  1. What a delightful visit. The quilts are stunning.

  2. Love this last quilt especially! I am having problems with Mr Anonymous too, I can not see what I need to do to "dis" allow Anonymous comments. (I have been Googling it all morning) Any help would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to go to word verification as I think that is so rude. I would love to know how you did it! ~Diane

  3. Hi Joy, after I entered my comment I could see you have it on moderate, I know how to do that. I am trying a new setting that allows "Registered Users" and "Open ID" users only to comment. I think this leaves out Anonymous only, I sure hope so! Thanks. ~Diane PS you can delete these if you like.


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