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Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't Throw Away Those Mums

Sharing at several Linky Parties. 
.....At least stick them in the ground to wish them well, and just see what will happen.  I cringe when I see folks set dried up pots of mums on the curb.  It's like throwing money away, because they'll buy them again next year.

Chrysanthemum is a hardy flower.  I remember when I was a little girl, these were definitely perennial flowers and didn't even bloom until AFTER frost!  Now folks cover up the blooms when there is threat of frost.

Last year toward the end of the season, I bought small pots for about 75% off. I never pay full price. I only buy flowers marked down and if they are perennials.  Petunias are the exception, but they have to be marked down.

I just auditioned the flowers in their pots to see if I would like the arrangement.  After the flowers had been spent and even mostly died out, I dug some holes and set the flowers in them.  Most of the time, a big spoon is my spade.  When I set out plants like this to wish them well, I do give a good watering after setting plus 2 more times if it doesn't rain.

These flowers sit on the west hot side of the house, and I never watered them during the summer, even during the drought.  Because we had such an early warm spring, they sprouted early, and some never died down completely.  Since they did sprout early, I did have to pinch blooms 3 times instead of the usual 2.  Pinching stops them them from blooming early, but most importantly, makes them fuller.  I had read this past summer to stop pinching after July 4.  So I did.

Here is how they turned out this year. 

Last year (below)

This year (below)
 Glad Mr. G cut down the cedar tree.  Not sure why the previous owner put it there.  I didn't want the root base or the tree that close to the house.  

 The bush with the white bloom, I bought at a Peddler's Mall this past spring for a couple of dollars from a lady that was thinning out her flowers.  She called this "Cotton Candy."  ????

 If you noticed the picture of the flowers in the back of the car, I bought this purple sage (?) the same time I bought the mums.  There is always 1 or 2 bees hanging around these purple blooms.  They lasted most all summer and now through the fall.  I liked the contrast of purple against orange.

Side note:  I got tired of setting all the flowers and just simply took one out of the pot and set it on the ground in the corner of the fence in the backyard.  It survived but very weak looking.  It had about 5 flowers about to bud when Mr. G. ran the week eater over it.  It will revive next year with a bigger root base I'm sure.  Just need patience.

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.
Thanks to 
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo


  1. Really like your gardening philosophy, Joy. How impatient we tend to be wanting instant gratification. You have a very welcoming entrance to your home. Your ideas?

  2. You have some gorgeous landscaping! The flowers are beautiful!

  3. Thanks for the tips! I'm going to go out and see if I can find some mums on sale now. They are so beautiful and would look nice also hanging above my cookstove! :-)

  4. Your mums came back really robust this year. Not sure if they are perennial in Minnesota or not.

  5. Now all of those flowers are simply beautiful!!

  6. I noted that Walmart had their mums at around $2.00, but I resisted. Yours look beautiful -- and I have some of that Russian sage you bought. I does fabulously in any kind of weather.

    1. Thanks Nancy for clarifying that it's Russian Sage. I didn't feel comfortable that I had the right info. Notice it was toward the end of Oct. before I got the mums last year. I did get these from Walmart just before they knew the blooms would start falling off. Setting them out is like putting out bulbs in the fall. I forgot to mention you'll have a beautiful green hedge through the summer.

  7. Wow! Great pictures!! I am definitely guilty of throwing away dried-out mums. Never again after seeing these pictures. So smart to take the same shot a year apart for comparison.

    HH at

  8. I love your yard and the flowers look sooo pretty! I would love to have you stop by 'Or so she says...' today and share some of your great ideas with my readers! The 'Your Great Idea' link party runs every Sat through Tuesday. Hope to see you there!

  9. A wonderful display of Chrysanthemums, Joy and a great way to save money!!!

  10. Great job on getting your mums to look so full. Lots of people don't know to pinch them back. It was a mild winter last year, but usually in these parts mums have to be protected in order to survive.
    Saw you linking at Funky Junk's SNS
    Debbie :)

  11. How beautiful! I've tried this and had some success -- I guess it depends on your climate. Winters are pretty harsh here so I usually have just a few come back each year. Do you put any mulched leaves or anything over them for the winter?

    1. Lauren, I didn't put mulch over them this past winter which was so mild that some didn't die down all the way. However, being close to the house and under its eve helps some. Again, I'm simple with the mulching. I let nature help me out as much as possible. The leaves that fall over these beauties will stay there throughout the winter. By spring I don't rake the leaves away as they become part of the composted material for the soil. I feel a much colder winter coming on this year and may bring up some more leaves to cover them this year. I also have 3 more pots of mums I never set out, but rather let them winter out on my deck under the eve of the house then started watering in the spring. Guess there will be an update this time next year letting everyone know how they wintered. Ky is known to have sub-zero and/or ice storm weather about once every 7 years.

  12. I had no idea! My mom has a ton that she bought and was just going to toss because they died.... I'll tell her to give this a try! :)

  13. I love that you shared this. I do not know enough about plants...but do love when the look nice. Now I know, plant and see what happens. :)

  14. Your mums are beautiful. I just bought some for 10 cents a pot. They were huge. Fingers crossed for next year. Cheers.

  15. I haven't bought my mums yet cuz it is still warm in AZ and I figured the blooms would all be gone. But, I'm fixing to go this weekend and I'm glad you posted this in time for me to read. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.

  16. Beautiful flowers!!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  17. So beautiful! One of my favorite flowers... I've pinned this as well - thanks for sharing at MightyCrafty Mondays.


Have a JOYful day!
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