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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Every 7 Years? Katrina ~ Isaac

Note: As Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaac seems to be following close to the path of Katrina almost exactly 7 years ago, I wanted to post these pictures I took recently of the Mississippi Gulf coast.  I think we often think of New Orleans when Katrina is mentioned and tend to forget the devastation all along the Mississippi coast as well.  I did a little research and found a great collection of pictures showing the damage including bridges that would seem impossible to repair in 7 short years for us to drive over just 3 weeks ago.  I pray for all those folks this week as they are probably remembering that 30ft surge of 7 years ago and using the word "only" with the prediction of a possible 12ft surge this week.


After we finished our adventure on the HWY 127 yard sale about 3 weeks ago, we ventured on south along the gulf coast for a quick trip to New Orleans. 

We always enJOY a highway that follows the coast or a river/creek. 

It was cloudy and stormy that day as we drove through a few showers.  So the beach was pretty much vacant.  (Notice the red flags.)
I started wondering why there were no buildings across the street from this beautiful beach that was so close to the road.  As we drove down the highway, I started noticing things like this....

All kinds of "for sale" signs almost begging people to buy. 

 Rarely you would see a small house and a couple like these you wondered if they had made it or been rebuilt.

 Just think, the definition of "beachfront property" on this highway changed overnight.

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.


  1. Definitely a lot of vacant/abandoned and for sale property. I know many people never bothered going back. Can't really say I blame them.

  2. Such a shame, that last building looks like it has so much potential.

    Jan @ door251

  3. Very sad. How quickly we all forget when it's not "our backyard"


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