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Friday, June 8, 2012

100 Followers- Yah Who?

Sometime within the last 5 hours, someone became by 100th Blogger Follower.  Congratulations someone, but sorry you don't win anything cause as you see, I don't make anything with this blog.  

I really do appreciate all those that have joined to follow and of course all the Linky Followers.  I also enJOY reading all your comments.  

My purpose of this blog is to share things I've learned from way back and now.  Because there is a teacher in me, I hope you are learning something.

Today, June 8, is the first year anniversary of my retirement.  I've been lucky enough to take some great trips and thoroughly enJOYed taking pictures to share here, and thrilled to find out some of you have enJOYed checking out the pictures.

Again, Thanks Followers!  Keep on enJOYing, please.

 About the picture:  A few years ago, my Grand Daughter had a birthday party.  For one of her activities, her Mother set out a bunch of bottles of nail polish.  They seemed to have a great time painting each nail a different color. 


  1. I think that's me! I think I just became your 100th follower. But I'm just one of many who enjoys what you're doing, so please just keep at it, that's more than enough!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I thought it might be you, but sometimes, Blogger likes to mix up the order. There were 3 that hopped on this afternoon. Thank all of you!


Have a JOYful day!
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