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Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 12~ Spring Vaca

Our last day on Cape Cod.  It was sad leaving and the weather didn't help.  With the first tropical storm of the year, Alberto, (is this a record for the earliest tropical storm?) hitting this area, we dealt with a drizzling rain and fog starting out and then in and out of rain all day.  No major storms though.

Since we were on the Interstate heading straight home and the sun wasn't out, there weren't too many BIG pictures captured for the day, just lots of scenery stuff.  See why we like traveling the back roads?

Bye Cindy and Dick.  You live in a beautiful world.
Fog and Drizzle.  Boo Hoo.  I understand fog is a common thing on the Cape.  This is the lake their family spent a lot of time on when they were growing up.
We had 2 days to get back, so we decided to take a side trip to Plymouth.  The GPS went nuts because we went over an hour out of the way.  We love side trips.
The tour guide asks where we all are from and the answers were California, Florida and Kentucky.
...and then the tour guide says, "You came this far to see a ROCK?"  Wonder how many times a day he says that?
Street in Plymouth.
After eating and gassing up the van, we were back on the road around 1 pm.  Where did the time go?  Headed home with several states to cross over.
All the rest areas we visited were a welcomed stop and some were very interesting.

All of us say we live in God's country.  These people really do declare it!

Last picture before sunset.  We didn't stop until around 10:30 in Carlisle, PA!

All days of the vacation are posted.  Please see the side bar for May, 2012, and check them out!

You may find this post at several Linky Parties.

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Have a JOYful day!
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