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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Best~Shot/s of the Week

We had frost this week, but 2 tall trees protected one little flower down by the creek so it could bloom. 
 I'm really enJOYing this carpet of purple down on the creek side.  Whatever this plant is, which may be a weed to some people, I do like it because it keeps other weeds and grasses at bay and doesn't get any taller than this during the summer so it doesn't have to be mowed.  It's growing well in shaded areas.

It seems the majority of flower color right now is purple.

 then, she {snapped}


  1. I find it fascinating how certain color groups bloom at the same time. Beautiful captures, Joy. Thank you for sharing at YSB this week.

  2. Irises are my favorite flowers. We still have two months to wait for them to bloom. Nice pictures!

    1. We also are supposed to have had Irises 2 months from now but we broke the record with the warmest March ever. Having to pull weeds out of the way to sew seeds. Unreal and so unnatural.

  3. Those are fantastic, Joy! Great color! Glad they survived.

  4. Beautiful photos, Joy!!! Love the one second from the top of the purple iris...

  5. Absolutely love that macro shot of the flower. I love when flowers bloom - I only wish I had the ability to grow them myself!

  6. love the bright purple...great shots Joy! thanks so much for sharing them with us. :)

  7. great shots! thanks for showing off your shot!


Have a JOYful day!
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