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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wordless Wed #9 - Deadly Winds Bring Big March Snow

   Our March snow Monday morning gave us 5.35 inches which was over half of our total for the winter.  This after very warm winds caused deadly tornadoes all around us last Friday.  God bless those trying to recover.  That alone, is wordless.


  1. Strange weather going on these days. Will be praying for those affected by the tornadoes.

  2. Hope it blows away quickly! Lovely photo though.

  3. Beautiful photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. Gorgeous shot - the weather sure has been crazy this year, hasn't it? I echo your sentiment - God bless those trying to recover.

    Warrior Cat Adventures

  5. My prayer is to those people who will be affected with the tornadoes, wish them well even though the weather keeps on getting weird visiting from Wednesday White, mine is up and its here, thanks! My Daily Mumbles

  6. What a beautiful photo! Soft and stunning. I am adding my thoughts and prayers to yours to those picking up the pieces. Thank you for sharing!

  7. i miss the snow when i looked at your picture. but still, i'm glad that it's almost feel like it's spring here in our place. Hope you could visit My Wednesday Whites entry.

  8. Hello Joy!

    So nice stopping by to visit with you and peruse your lovely blog. Thank you for leaving your comment at my place so I could come by to say Hi!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  9. That looks like ice cream cone, yum:)

    Here for Wednesday Whites- hope you can stop by:)

  10. Indeed it is.
    This is truly a beautiful photograph.
    We got about 6 inches, but very heavy and wet stuff.
    Today? Almost 60 degrees, which truly feels like a heat wave compared to the past couple of days.

    Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a wonderful day!



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