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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wed #5- Looking Up in the World

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.


Blind shots taken below waist level during a walk on a very cloudy day.


  1. wow!!!! never saw things like that before...

  2. It made for some good composition!

  3. Nice shots.
    My favorites are 3th, 8th and the last one.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. I love these! So much easier than the way I usually do it! I often lay down on the ground to get the shots I want - never thought of trying it blind! Duh! I have some really fabulous shots though...but getting back up, or trying not to get dirty/wet is a pain! Thanks for the unintentional tip! Really neat photos!

    1. Hey Linda, yes its not easy to get down and up off the ground for me either. Although, as soon as I can catch a warm day, dry ground, & puffy clouds going by, I'll try to lay down and enJOY taking pictures of those clouds. Then someone might want to have a camera ready to take pics of me getting up off the ground. LOL

  5. Love these. Great perspectives.

  6. It is so nice to meet you Joy, and welcome to The Creative Exchange!
    I have to agree with Sarah here, in that the perspective in each of these photographs is great.
    I especially love the stop sign. Nicely done!

    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.

    Have a wonderful evening!



Have a JOYful day!
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