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Friday, February 17, 2012

Linky Followers Blog Hop

Since Google Friend Connect is going to be disappearing after Feb. 29, 2012, I decided I'd better get my act together and add 
to my blog so I can keep up with all my friends that are NOT using Blogger.  Please add yourself to my Linky Followers. I'll try to do the same for you as well.  To facilitate getting folks to jump on Linky Followers, I've joined a blog hop.  
If you'd like to join the blog hop and add your blog, here are the:
1. You MUST have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool on your site to participate. If you see that your link has been deleted you need to add the LINKY FOLLOWER tool to your site and then come back over and re-enter your link.{You can have both the LINKY FOLLOWERS & GFC on your site but you must have the LINKY FOLLOWERS tool to participate in this party hop.}
2. You MUST follow the person who has the party on their site as a thank you.
3. Just add your blog button to the LINKY PARTY below.
4.Then grab the BLOG HOP code. You will find the code right under the Linky Party where it says CLICK HERE TO ENTER. –just under that it says: WHAT IS A BLOG HOP? GET THE CODE HERE.  Click on GET THE CODE HERE and enter it into a post on your site. You can grab info from my post if it helps you with your post.

5. Then you follow other bloggers–(as many as you want)
–leave each one of the blogs that you follow a comment letting them know you are following them and ask them to follow you back.
If you want to add the BLOG HOP to your own site you will get lots of new followers–(see rule #2)
 I grabbed this info from My1929 Charmer and she says you can use it to help with your post, which I did.


  1. I have been linky followers blog hopping for two days and I am loving it. I have met so many amazing and talented people like you. I am now following you on linky and would love a follow back.

    My Turn (for us)

    Thanks, I so enjoyed the visit!

  2. Thank you for your blog comment but I couldn't reply to you since your email shows as a non-reply message. I'd love for you to guest blog on my blog with anything sewing related:) Contatct me at whimsy couture @ hotmail . com

  3. I got my act together too and have the linky on my blog. I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  4. Found you via the Linky Followers Blog Hop 2! Following you via Linky. Come visit my blog, when you have a moment to spare! Tera - - Thanks!


Have a JOYful day!
Leave a comment or an email if you like.
I will enJOY either.
Please LEAVE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS if you need a reply.