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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wordless Wed-1-What's Different

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.
Since I enjoy taking shots and this blog was supposed to be just jots with shots and not an essay, I've decided to try to post a Wordless picture every Wednesday and challenge myself to post a picture that says a thousand words, makes you think or wander through it.  These pictures will be my originals, not something I've found on the internet to share.  I also may be known to use GIMP or some other software to work with the picture such as I have for this first one.  enJOY!

Here is the first one:

 You may find this Wordless Wednesday Partying @ the following blogs:
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  1. I'm visiting from and then, she snapped. A spot the difference? I like this: the flowers, the time, the towels, the candles...

  2. brilliant shot!

    well done.

    the roses! yeah!

  3. Both shot have their own appeal. The flowers appear rather different in form from one to the other as well.

  4. The flowers, the candle (?on top of the little chest), the towel, and maybe the washrags in the basket? Am I close?

    Thanks for the fun! And for linking up with the voiceBoks WW hop!!

  5. You fixed the white balance. Looks good.

  6. The towels are a different color?

  7. The towel color changed! Happy WW!

  8. Ooooh, this is like a game. What's different in the pictures? I see the towels, the flowers and the candle. Am I right? :)

    Thank you for linking up with Wild & Wonderful Wednesday!

  9. The towels, the time, the candle, the flowers. Hope I didn't miss anything. Cool WW post!

  10. The towel and the flowers in the basket. Fun post. I enjoyed my visit.

  11. wow...this is a great blog twist!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  12. Thanks for so many comments and interest. These pictures were actually taken to document the CHANGE in the bathroom vanity from Christmas toward Valentines. So, I changed out the poinsettia with roses, the light green towel in the basket and on the shower with white towels, & the candle holder on top of the jewelry box. Someone cleverly noted in the comments the clock had changed which I hadn't thought about. I was surprised with the interest so it looks like I'll set my camera still again and do another one sometime.


Have a JOYful day!
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