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Sunday, January 29, 2012

No Sugar Added Upside Down

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.

This recipe was even enjoyed by those that don't have to watch their sugar levels. I added no extra sugar other than what comes naturally in pineapple.  


I like crushed best.  Make sure you DO NOT get pineapple packed in syrup.

 This is a Kroger brand and they didn't have another brand name to offer.  The package ingredients listed are: Xylitol, maltodextrin, molasses and sucralose.  Calories= 0 and Sugars= 0.  No after taste and keeps a sweet taste when mixed in recipe, unlike Splenda.
Note: this cake mix does have white flour.

After glow thoughts:
* Use 2 cans of pineapple
* The white flour in the cake mix is on my no-no list.  Trying to make a whole white wheat cake, but haven't found one that is light and sweet tasting yet.  I hope someone out there in web world has one to share.
* What other fruits can I try?


  1. Hello~

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog & leaving a kind & meaningful comment. I truly want my blog to be a great place to share ideas & don't want linking up to my blog bash to be bothersome. Therefore, I have taken your comment & others to heart and have removed the backlink requirement. I invite you to drop back by & link up. Also, happy to be a new follower of your creative blog and look forward to sharing lots of great bloggy ideas. :)


    Drop By & Visit {The Tattered Tag}

  2. I saw you on momnivore and just wanted to saw that this looks really yummy!

  3. Looks great! I feel so sad that I've never had pineapple upside down cake before. I need to try it!

  4. yum yum yum! I love that there is no sugar added. Great recipe :)

    Ps.. thank you for linking up to my Friday parrr-tay!

  5. Oh this looks so tasty!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  6. that looks so yummy! and great for my diabetic husband, too bad you can't find sugar free cake mix here in Italy :(

    1. Pillsbury has a sugar free cake and it's really good my uncle is a picky diabetic and he really likes it!! I realize that this is a old post but thought I'd mention it anyway

  7. I so wish I had a piece of this, right now! I could so go for something sweet. No sugar, that's pretty good, never used the brown sugar product before. Thanks for sharing you creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay

  8. yummy, I loooove pineapple upside down cake! Thank you for linking up at our Sleepy Sunday blog hop linky party!

    Leanne @ because (i think) i can

  9. yum, I always love no or low sugar yummies I am not allowed too much sugar, so this is great!

  10. Now I have never heard of that sugar free brown sweetener. So glad you linked this up to Motivated Monday at BeColorful for me to find. :D

  11. Yum - thanks for sharing this delicious recipe at Inspire Me Monday!


  12. This looks SO yummy! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!


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