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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Doll Pillow Case Dress from Skirt

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.
Another dress for my 18" doll.

Stitch gathers before you cut to save time from gathering again.



  1. How adorable!!! Kate has 5 American Girl dolls and a new sewing machine...we will have to try to make these!

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  2. So sweet. Thank you for linking up to Motivated Monday at BeColorful

  3. I've never made a pillowcase dress for a doll. I'm glad you shared this, because it would be such a quick and easy project. Looks great!

  4. It’s impressively creative how you made that dress from those two different materials. My wife is a collector of dolls, and she has so many accessories for them. It’s one fascination that she shares with our two daughters. So, what inspires you to make such creation?

    Chris Jeffery

    1. Hi Chris, I come from a generation of where we made something from nothing and recycling wasn't even a word but a way of life. If it's something made of fabric and not needed anymore, I see it as fabric to sew. The pillow case dress came from the experience during the previous summer when I was a part of a church group that made 100s of pillow case dresses for girls in Haiti. Thanks for visiting.


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