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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #113 ~ Outlined in Snow

January 24, 2015 @ 2:30 in the morning, 
I got up to find a quiet, fluffy snow
had outline everything with a heavy but tender 2, or 3 and in some cases a 4 inch line.
I took a shot off my back deck with the flash.  
The above picture was cropped to take out a bird feeder.
Otherwise the rest of these shots are untouched other than to resize to post.
They were taken the next morning as the sun was rising 
and trying to take a peak through the trees through the back side.
Couldn't believe how much snow was on a tiny branch, but yet it didn't seem to weigh it down.
Notice how the snow piled on top of each individual fence rail.
Love how the sunlight peaking through the back gives such depth to the shot.
Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Non-Traditional Elastic Application- Easy Shorts, Any Size

When folks create those collective websites to show different ways to make an elastic waistband, I never see this application listed.      
     This method was shown on "Sewing with Nancy" probably back in the late 80s. Since I've seen this, I've used this method. The beautiful finish reminds me of ready made.  It sure beats my stiff fingers threading elastic through a channel of fabric.
   This method was also the feature of my 3 Step Skirt article I wrote for the Volume 8 of the "Sew it All" magazine.


This posts shows how I make shorts with elastic waistband for any size from doll through women's size.

 Maybe if I had paid closer attention I could have matched the plaids better in the seam,
 but I doubt it because this was a small scrap of fabric.

 Instead of pins, I put the remaining side seam together with
 a single stitch from sewing machine.

 Finish seams with serger.

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page

Friday, January 23, 2015

Upcycling Stretch Rib Knit Cuffs for Doll Clothes

Several doll clothes were made for Christmas gifts this past season and still catching up. Had some fleece scraps an art teacher friend gave me and a pair of warm fuzzy white sweat pants that once belonged to my Mother.

The sweat pants were of the era when the leg bottoms had stretch rib knit knit cuffs.

I put those cuffs to use on this hat and top.
Hope this tutorial inspires you to recycle.

1. Cut off the rib knit cuffs leaving stitch line intact.
2. Cut apart at the seam.
3. Now cut off the former stitching line as close to stitch line as possible.  Cleaner cut to do it now than from the sleeve in step 1. Using scissors helps me to control a close cut.
4. Then I clean trim with the rotary cutter and ruler, because I can now lay it flat.
5. Cut off and even the ends with right angle.
6. Open flat. Do not iron as you will use the center crease as guide line.
7. An 18 inch doll does not need the complete width. Cut along center line.
8. Fold one piece in half and serge to neckline and sleeve of shirt. Don't use a pattern, just stretch slightly as you are sewing on to neckline and cuffs so the bands will be smaller than the openings. Cut off excess, then stitch side seams.
Note: Use any pattern you desire.  I used the one found at Strictly Homemade and notice it doesn't even use neck and sleeve bands.
No hemming sleeves or further finishing neck needed. 

The fabric for the top came from Mother's soft, white fuzzy pants. Stretch fabric clothing is easier for little hands to put on dolls, I think.

9. Since there were 4 pieces of stretch knit made, there's plenty leftover for the hat.  Following the Strictly Homemade hat pattern, the band pattern wasn't used, but rather just stretched the knit a bit as I sewed.  Be careful not to stretch so much that it won't fit around the dolls head.
 10. Had enough fleece left to simple cut a 24 inch by 1/2 inch strip for a scarf.
Note in the picture above, the shirt was turned around and used more like a jacket.
Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wordless Wednesday #112 ~ Foreign Sitings on 127

Shots of different locations on 127 Yard sale from Kentucky to Alabama, 2012

Thanks to the FREE programs:
possibly used for this post
GIMP for cropping & other digital effects
 Photoscape for downsizing & watermarking photo
PicMonkey creating collages used on this page