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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Old Fencing Chaise Update

Back in June I gave you a sneak peek of a chaise that Mr. G built out of old fencing he took down, and said I would post an update after I finished my sewing project to make it more comfy.  The more I thought about what I wanted to do, the more I didn't like the way it was going to work.

When you see what I decided to do, you may think, "What took her so long?  That's nothing." 
It's also been a long hot (100+) summer, and frankly, I just haven't spent a lot of time sitting by the creek because the bugs have taken over, and I don't want to wear bug spray all the time.  So maybe that's why life has taken it's good time handing me something for this project.

Yes, sometimes it takes a while for things to click, and for your eye and brain to connect and say, "That's it!"
So for what it's worth, here it is:

It's an old rolled up bedspread in that red I like to sprinkle around, that I found @ Goodwill and brought home and put through the sanitizing cycle.

 Well worn so as not to worry about using it in this setting. 
Rolled and tied so I can carry it back into the house when I'm finished.  The trees shed like crazy.

Should have made the ties longer.

Honestly, they're that short because I actually had the idea to use the ties to hang the spread on the high back of the chaise.  When I started folding and rolling, camping day ideas came rushing back into my head, and I realized they were in the perfect spot to tie the whole bundle.

I did pin first, just in case I changed my mind.  Can you believe I actually had this fabric for the ties in that scrap stash I just put away last week?

Had the 2 pillows rolled up inside the bedspread.  Found those @ Goodwill as well.  I gotta have my pillows.  I also have to have my ice cold drink sitting beside me on my "natural" table.  Use what you've got.

Maybe not the softest thing in the world, but would you complain if this was a picnic on the ground?  Hey, there is enough room here for a picnic.

I tried using a solar string of lights from IKEA in the old lamp, but there is too much shade to provide enough energy to charge up the solar battery.  Guess it will have to be candles or battery tea lights for special dusk and night occasions.   

How many people can say their office is on the creek side?

And what do my wandering eyes see?
Besides the creek as you see here, my neighbor has a beautiful yard.  She likes red too.
  The chiminea is a yard sale find last June.  Had a broken leg.  Again, rocks fixed that.  The branches in the background were gathered from cleaning off the creek side last fall, thanks to my daughter and son-in-law.  I was waiting for rain (got that) and a cool night to build a fire (not got that yet.)

I suspect there will be an update of the creek side in the fall, especially if I come up with a lighting scheme.

Hope you've enJOYed and been inspired!  I would love to hear more ideas from you as to what I can do with this primitive space of my backyard.

You may find this post at several Linky Parties.


  1. I hadn't seen the lounge chair made from old fence before...very ingenious! Great setting by the creek!

  2. wow, what a great place to enjoy the view. wow, lovely. i like how like me, you are similar to finding a cool spot for your blog name on your photos. that makes me smile. (:

  3. Joy... a woman after my own heart!! RED is my color too! and I so love what you did with the fence... "Oh deeeaaar?" lol...
    Thank you so much for joining us in Thursdays Favorite Things Blog Hop! With His grace, wishing you peace and many blessings to you and yours… Carla

  4. What a beautiful place to rest up and solve the problems of the world. Love the lounge chair and cover looks totally relaxing. visiting from katherine's corner. TFS your beautiful place.

  5. What a great space to enjoy the outside! Well done. Visiting from Chicken Scratch. Would love it if you would share this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see you at the bash! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  6. What a peaceful space. I'd love to have you add this to my link party:

  7. I love this chaise lounge...and what a beautiful setting you have! We recently had storms blow through here and lots of people are putting up new fences and getting rid of the ones that blew down. Maybe I should be picking up the old fences by the curbside from now on. Thanks for the inspiration! Coming to you from Strut your Stuff at Six Sisters. Hope you have a great weekend!
    Nici ~

  8. what a creative use of fencing. The spot you placed it in your yard by the creek is magical. Thank you for your bloggy friendship and for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  9. Oh for a nice double wide chaise lounge of my own! (And a laptop that can be unplugged for more than 5 minutes.)

  10. This looks perfect for snuggling on of an evening. And easy to pack away too!


  11. I wish I had a creek. It's a perfect outdoor office/napping spot. Thanks for linking up at What’s Cluckin! Hope to see you back tomorrow!

  12. Wow, so very cool, and how creative of you! I swear if I sat in your chaise I wouldn't get up! I love your view you have to look at while relaxing! I would spend many hours here. So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success

  13. What an amazing place you have there - love the fence pailing lounger and the covers too! Idyllic spot!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. I am in LOVE with this chaise! Very very nice work.

  15. That is a wonderful spot out there. Water, shade, and something good to sit on...just great. :)

  16. What a relaxing and peaceful spot to enjoy the outdoors!


Have a JOYful day!
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