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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Meeting Miss Loosey & Her Gift

Seems like Cats know just the right time to come to my doorstep, like the one that came to my doorstep on a Christmas Eve I had spent alone.  After Christmas day, he thought I was ok, went to the door to ask out, never to be seen again.

Well, I've been experiencing a lot of heartfelt moments lately & the weather here was cool Wednesday morning, and not long after opening the french doors a cat appeared.

  I was busy blogging, so I let her (?) take a tour of the house.  About an hour later she seemed done and acted like she wanted to eat.  I offered bread and she wasn't interested which told me she wasn't starved.  However, she quickly lapped away a saucer of milk and most of another.  Around 3:00 I started getting ready in my bedroom to leave the house.  I stepped back on something warm and fuzzy.

The Cat had brought me a gift!

 It was one of a family of moles totally tearing up my yard!

 She was so proud of herself!

  I had to award her with a can of tuna, because I would love for her to catch more of the moles.  She ran circles around me before I set her bowl down.  (A cat's way of saying, "Thank-you, thank-you, OH thank-you." ??

 Before I left, I put her back outside for fear she might be a loose cat and some sad child was looking for her.  I think I've seen her around the house 2 doors up.  Thus, the name Miss Loosey.

When we returned home about 4 hours later, she was waiting around the garage.  She helped herself back into the house, as we opened the french doors again.  At bedtime I couldn't find her, so I closed the doors only to find out this morning she had stowed away in the house somewhere.  When I opened the doors again this morning, she helped herself outside and then posted herself to watch the birds, which I won't be very happy about if she keeps them away from the bird feeder.

 If she keeps the squirrels away from the bird feeder, that's another thing.
 (Mr. G. has been repainting the deck furniture.)
Also, where she was posted was probably giving her a fantastic view of  "Mole" land which I hope she will revisit soon.

....if Miss Loosey keeps coming back?

~I'm a barn cat hostess, not a house cat owner.~

You may find this post at several Linky Parties.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June Trip to Peddler's Mall~ Ideas & Whimsical

Adjective: 1.  Playfully quaint or fanciful, esp. in an appealing and amusing way.

Some new items, and stalls newly designed this time.  Refreshing.  Mr. G. spent 2 hours earlier in the day and then went back with me for an hour and said he saw even more new things he didn't see the first time around.

I remember the craze when these were made from aluminum cans.

 I've seen the drawer and candle stick idea before.

Pink ticking weaved basket.
Use side of bookcase for height measurement instead of door facing so you can move the record with you.  Wouldn't it be great if this went on to measure the next generation?

 One of those:  "Why didn't I think of that" moments.

You'd have to make sure you used a cool light bulb with this lamp?

I could see me trying to sell something like this. 

Much like my Picture Not Hung on the Wall.
Seen this idea many times as well.  We already have 2 shutters and old shelving found on the curb to do this one.

This one will tell your age.  Do you know what's holding the LPs?  When I was a little girl, my Mother used one of these.  Do you know what an LP is? 

 I like brick red, but what struck me here was the black background that made the white items just pop.
 The more I look at this, the more I think I want a screened door for my front entrance.  I need air circulation, but I know it wouldn't help much with the cold winter winds.  What to do?

Why did we keep chuckling as we walked on for the next 10 minutes?

Mr. G says these are golf tees for giants.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #19~ Mesker Park Floral

Mesker Park Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Evansville, IN

You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great ideas.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What to do with Old Fencing?

Here is a sneak peak.  I need to add some comfort touches before I show off one of Mr. G's projects.
Do you know what it is?  I've seen this idea all over the web.

 Do you know what I'm thinking here?  It has to do with iced tea.

I'll be posting an update on this as I get my sewing projects finished to make it more comfortable. 
Here's the update:

Old Fencing Chaise Update

This post has been featured on the following blogs:

I was featured at MightyCrafty Mondays at

You may find this post at several Linky Parties.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Scavenger Hunt 6-24-12

Warped - By the water.
Couldn't decide on the next 2, so using both.

Concentric Circles- My Daughter crocheted this rug for me.
Concentric Circles (left to imagination)- Amish Acres, Northern Indiana

Gear- Amish Acres, Northern Indiana

Glaze- Mesker Zoo & Gardens, Evansville, IN
Marble- View from my Dad's Grave
This post in response to      You should go see what everyone else found for this Scavenger Hunt.

Thanks for hosting the challenge Ashley. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Earth Wonders Photo Challenge ~ Water

National Seashore State Park, Cape Cod, Mass
EARTH WONDERS by anaeugenio studio waterstone
You'll find this post at several Linky Parties. Please check them out for some great photography.